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Equity as our Cornerstone

Equity is critical to everything we do in our mission to advance health and economic well-being for all. We are committed to addressing inequities and lifting marginalized voices in how we operate as an organization, support our staff, and design and implement our work globally. In 2023, we made important progress.

  • Our two newest Employee Networking Groups are the Asian and Pacific Islanders at Abt (API at Abt) and Disability Pride Employee Networking Group! API at Abt is dedicated to representing the rich tapestry of Asian and Pacific Islander heritages throughout Abt and around the world. Its goal: celebrate and recognize the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and insights of members. Disability Pride is for employees who have lived experience with disability—as a person with a disability or as a family member of a person with a disability—as well as employees who are allies and champions for disability justice.
  • Abt has introduced a name pronunciation tool to assist with the proper pronunciation of names. Names are a reflection of identity and often have personal meaning. The effort to pronounce names properly is a sign of respect.
  • Our Reflecting Inward learning program continues to examine how equity considerations play out in our internal culture, policies, and practices. In 2023, Abt expanded its mandatory Reflecting Inward training series with topics covering religious and spiritual identity, sexual orientation, race, and safeguarding and respect at work.
  • In August, our British colleagues participated in a workshop centered on racism and exclusion perpetuated through microaggressions. Staff shared their experiences of microaggressions based on racism and other prejudices and discussed practicing microaffirmations: small acts that open doors to opportunity, gestures of caring and inclusion, and positive acts of listening and hearing others.


OUR WORK: Overview | Good Health | Economic Security | Effective Governance | Equity & Inclusion | Thriving Environment

OUR PEOPLE AND OPERATIONS: Overview | Employee Wellness | Financial Health | Ethics & Governance | Equity as Our Cornerstone | Environmental Responsibility


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