Australia Solicitations
Abt Global is defined by its mission: to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people worldwide. Our global staff works in more than 60 countries and our work is funded by governments, international organizations and the private sector.
We depend on a variety of partner organizations, businesses, and independent contractors to support client projects. We focus on selecting the right partner by conducting competitive procurements to obtain the best value. Depending on the need and requirements, we issue tenders for quotations (RFQs), requests for proposals (RFPs), requests for information (RFIs), requests for applications (RFAs), and independent contractor opportunities. Our grant and tender processes are competitive and are consistent with the Australian Commonwealth Procurement and Grant Guidelines.
We do not accept unsolicited applications for opportunities that are not specified here.
APEP-2024-EOI-AGRI: Developing sustainable and traceable supply chains of agri-commodities in Papua New Guinea
The Australia-PNG Economic Partnership (APEP) is assisting the Government of Papua New Guinea to create a stable and more prosperous country. APEP is the main coordination point through which Australia delivers its economic development aid to PNG and the Australian Government is committed to delivering APEP in accordance with the principles of integration and alignment with PNG’s economic sector policies, systems, and processes.
APEP has five End of Program Outcomes (EOPOs) that are expected to be achieved:
EOPO 1 - Safeguarding Macroeconomic Stability
EOPO 2 - Strengthening Public Financial Management for Improved Service Delivery and Inclusive Growth
EOPO 3 - Supporting More Efficient and Inclusive Markets
EOPO 4 - Fostering Inclusive Growth and Expanded Livelihoods
EOPO 5 - Catalysing Economic Research and Dialogue
APEP is leading an initiative to enhance the nation's agricultural supply chains. The cornerstone of this initiative is to improve market access for PNG commodities and facilitate a strategic shift towards sustainable, traceable, and certified supply chains, both domestic and international. This project focuses on critical export commodities such as coffee, cocoa, and vanilla, as well as fresh produce such as sweet potatoes, taro, and onions.
Scope of Services
This EOI seeks to galvanize the role of agribusinesses in this transformative journey. Recognizing the challenges and costs associated with upgrading to these new standards, APEP is committed to supporting the agribusinesses, particularly in extension services, traceability, and certification. The goal is not only to enhance market access but also to foster an agricultural ecosystem that is environmentally sustainable and socially responsible.
Through this EOI, we invite experienced exporters and certification providers to submit proposals that align with these objectives. The successful implementation of this project could unlock new market opportunities, enhance the quality of life for smallholders, and position PNG as a producer of sustainable agriculture.
Approach to Market
Those interested in participating in this approach can request the EOI documentation from the Abt Associates Contact Officer at email address: or can access the EOI documents online from
The closing date and time for submissions is 5:00 PM (PNG local time) on Wednesday, 10 July 2024. All Enquiries should be made to: PNG Tender<>.
Request for Proposal: PALMSS 2024-1 End of Program Evaluation
DFAT through the Australian Embassy in Manila, contracted Abt Associates (‘Abt’) to undertake the Procurement, Administrative and Logistics Management Support Services for Aid Program Delivery (PALMSS) Facility. The overarching objective of the Facility is to provide responsive and efficient sourcing, engagement and management of individuals and/or organisations with relevant expertise required by the Embassy to complement existing staff capacity. These individuals and/or sub-contractors are expected to provide timely advice, inputs and/or services to the Australian Embassy in Manila with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of Australian aid investments in the Philippines.
DFAT requested PALMSS to solicit proposals from organizations to conduct the end of program evaluation of the Australia Awards and Alumni Engagement Program in the Philippines (AAAEP-P).
The Program
The Australia Awards and Alumni Engagement Program-Philippines (AAAEP-P) is an eight-year (2018–2026), $31 million program that provides Australia Awards scholarships, short courses, local scholarships, and alumni engagement activities to further contribute toward achieving the shared development goals of Australia and the Philippines.
Australia Awards are prestigious international study opportunities that offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research, and professional development in Australia. It builds skills and capabilities, people-to-people links and institutional partnerships in areas that contribute to Australia's foreign, trade and international development priorities.
AAAEP-P has the following end-of-program outcomes:
- Alumni and, where relevant, their organisations have and use skills, knowledge and networks to contribute to sustainable development;
- Australia has alumni in key sectors and positions;
- Links and/or formal partnerships between institutions and businesses in Australia and the Philippines are activated and matured;
- Australia, Australians, and Australian expertise are viewed positively in the Philippines; and
- Scholarships and alumni activities have improved gender equality and women’s empowerment.
It has the following intermediate outcomes:
- Beneficiaries and through them, their organisations, have knowledge, skills and desire to contribute to development that is aligned to shared goals of Philippines and Australia.
- Relevant and useful network and relationships are created that allow Australia and the Philippines to take forward their mutual interest in the Philippines.
- Women and disadvantaged cohorts have been provided greater opportunity for success.
AAAEP-P works with 11 partner Philippine government agencies, Australian and Philippine educational and training institutions, scholars, and alumni to deliver its end-of-program outcomes.
DFAT’s agreement with Tetra Tech International Development, the implementing partner, to implement AAAEP-P will end on 30 September 2025. A program design update was approved in June 2023.
The Assignment
This end of program evaluation is proposed to be conducted from last week of June until October 2024. While this will serve as the first formal review of the program, AAAEP-P components have previously been reviewed. Its In-Country Scholarships Program (ICSP) underwent an evaluation in 2019 while alumni tracer studies were undertaken in 2021 and 2023. Australia Awardees and alumni from the Philippines also participate in the Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility and the Australia Awards Scholarships Surveys overseen by the Global Education and Scholarships Section in Canberra.
This evaluation will assess whether and to what extent AAAEP-P has been delivering design outcomes. The evaluation will also provide recommendations for improvements for the remainder of the program. Insights and suggested improvements may also be incorporated into a new successor program/procurement process expected in the first half of FY 2025.
Evaluation findings will be used by DFAT program managers, Philippine government members of the AAAEP-P board and coordinating committee, the implementing partner, and the design team of AAAEP-P’s successor investment. It will also be published on the DFAT website as per DFAT’s Development Evaluation Policy.
This evaluation aims to:
- Assess how well AAAEP-P aligns with the strategic objectives of the Philippines and Australia, especially considering Australia’s new International Development Policy and the Philippine Development Plan 2023–2028;
- Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of AAAEP-P’s implementation; and
- Provide recommendations for future activities and improvements that should be considered during the remainder of the program and the design of AAAEP-P’s successor program.
How to Apply
Proposals must be submitted electronically to before the Proposal Closing Time and Date, using the subject line: “End of Program Evaluation for Australia Awards and Alumni Engagement Program – Philippines – Proposal.” All Proposals must be received in PDF format attached in the email.
The request for proposals will close at 5:00 pm Philippine Standard Time, 17 June 2024.
Grant Opportunity: APSP-2024-049 Organisational Strengthening Phase II for Bougainville Business Associations
Background / Overview
The Australian Papua New Guinea Subnational (APSP) program through its Bougainville Partnership (BP) has supported Bougainville’s three business associations in improving governance, service delivery and engagement, between themselves and with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG). Effective dialogue and advocacy can play an important role in maintaining and improving the quality of the investment climate as Bougainville enters a period of, potentially, high policy uncertainty. The scope below proposes activities and outputs to improve governance and organisational capacity in the three business associations, that will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the business associations in improving the District and Regional business environment. The Partnership overarching policy objective is to assist PNG in its efforts to achieve sustained growth, capable of lifting the standard of living of all citizens, while also ensuring Australia maintains its reputation as PNG’s economic partner of choice.
Scope of Services
A service provider knowledgeable of governance in business membership organisations and with experience in Bougainville will be contracted to implement capacity building to the three (3) business associations. The project aims to support and promote the legitimisation of the business community in Bougainville, by fortifying BBAs and enhancing their capabilities through mentorship and awareness-raising from a professional tier one service provider.
Approach to Market
We have attached the documents for those interested in participating in this approach, you can also request the RFP documentation from the Abt Associates Contact Officer at email address – or can access the RFP documents online from
The RFP documentation is made up of the following:
The closing date and time for submissions is on Monday 03 June 2024 at 5:00 PM, PNG local time.
Enquiries should be made to
Request for Proposal: PHD-RFP-2024-0001-Post Graduate Diploma – Family Medicine training program (PGD-FM)
The Program
The Australia Timor-Leste Partnership for Human Development (PHD) supports the Government of Timor-Leste as it works to achieve its Strategic Development Plan 2011–2030. PHD reflects Australia’s commitment to work in partnership with Timor-Leste to invest in the wellbeing of the nation’s people. PHD works to deliver lasting impact towards the program’s goal: ‘People in Timor-Leste are healthier, better educated and better able to contribute to Timor-Leste’s development.’ Through PHD, Australia supports the Government of Timor-Leste to deliver higher quality and inclusive services in primary healthcare and basic education. Abt Associates Australia is the implementation partner for PHD, contracted since May 2016 until May 2026.
PHD through the Grant Program wishes to enter a Partnership arrangement with Organisation (s) to support the Ministry of Health, the National Hospital of Guido Valadares (HNGV), the Instituto Nasional de Saúde Público de Timor Leste (INSPTL), and the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) to coordinate and manage the operationalisation of the 4-way Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the Post Graduate Diploma – Family Medicine training program (PGD-FM).
The Assignment
PGD-FM Course Delivery, Coordination and Management - October 2024 to December 2026:
- Work collaboratively with relevant INSP-TL departments, the UNTL, HNGV, and the MoH to operationalise the MoU and ensure that processes and systems are established for independent delivery of the course by the end of the grant.
- Support the reactivation and delivery of the revised PGD-FM curriculum by the local institutions whilst building clinical teaching capacity across all elements of the course.
- Periodically review the PGD-FM curriculum.
- Ensure the sustainability and institutionalisation of the PGD-FM curriculum in Timor-Leste.
How to Apply
Interested Organisations are requested to submit an Expression of Interest by 06 May 2024. PHD will conduct a briefing on week of 06 May 2024 at the PHD Office, Dili Timor-Leste and online.
Interested Bidders are required to submit the following:
- Section 4: Technical Proposal
- Section 5: Financial Proposal
By email to:
By closed proposal documentation to:
Patricia Dowling
Operations Director
Palm Business Centre, Surik Mas, Fatumeta Bairro Pete, Dili Timor-Leste
Contact: +670 786 78066 (whatsapp)
Request for Proposal
Interested parties may request the RFP documentation via email at or can access the RFP documents online from
The RFP documentation is made up of the following:
- RFP-2024-0001– PGD-FM – Request for Proposal (.pdf)
- RFP-2024-0001– Annex 1 – Scope of Service – PGD-FM (.pdf)
- RFP-2024-0001– Annex 2 – Technical Proposal (.pdf)
- RFP-2024-0001– Annex 3 – Financial Proposal (.xlsx)
- RFP-2024-0001– Annex 4 – Grants Standard Agreement_DFAT_ATLPHD (.pdf)
The closing date and time for submissions is Thursday 27 June 2024, 3:00 PM TLT.