climate consulting solutions quote april 2023

Abt’s solutions contribute to environmental justice and economic opportunity worldwide—from cleaner air and safer drinking water to more reliable food, energy, and health systems, and climate-resilient communities.
Our programs in climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience help public and private sector clients combat and adapt to climate change at the needed speed and scale.
BROWSE BY TOPIC: Clean Energy Transition | Blue and Green Economy | Climate Risk, Adaptation and Resilience | Climate Finance | Environmental Justice | Climate and Health | Methane and Other Super Pollutants | Circular Economy
Clean Energy Transition
By 2040, energy consumption is expected to double in developing regions, and reliance on coal and hydropower will increase greenhouse gas emissions. Affordable, sustainable power can mitigate climate risks and help countries reach long-term low-carbon emissions and economic growth goals. Abt excels at designing and delivering private sector-led energy solutions. We work with governments, utilities, and investors to support energy planning, policies, partnerships, and incentives that increase penetration of affordable, reliable renewable energy in underserved communities and emerging markets. By quantifying the environmental and health co-benefits of clean energy or supporting grid integration for renewables or sourcing new energy technology—we help our clients power peoples’ potential and progress around the globe.
Blue and Green Economy
Abt works across small island states; large archipelagic states like Indonesia, and countries with large coastlines like Kenya and Mozambique to promote social and economic development through sustainable investments across their blue economies. Our work ranges from improving solid waste management to protecting mangroves, seagrass and other aquatic carbon sinks to supporting advancements in carbon markets and catalyzing investments in blue finance. We tailor our approach to local, environmental, and cultural needs, and co-develop solutions with the communities whose intimate knowledge of their land and ecosystem are at the heart of meaningful and sustainable conservation and adaptation measures.
Climate Risk, Adaptation, and Resilience
Abt helps households, communities, governments, and businesses assess and reduce their exposure to climate risks and strengthen their capacity to cope with and recover from shocks. Our areas of expertise include the assessment, communication, and management of climate risks across key sectors, including in health, housing, agriculture, and sustainable landscapes. We also excel at strengthening human and institutional capacity for identifying and reducing risks and building climate resilience in an equitable manner.
Around the world, Abt has supported our partners and clients in preparing and financing adaptation strategies, designing approaches for vulnerability assessments, conducting resilience analyses, identifying adaptation actions and setting priorities, developing policy implementation guidance, and monitoring and evaluating adaptation policies. Throughout our work, Abt implements politically informed approaches to confront systemic inequities and support and strengthen the resilience of marginalized communities, including women, LGBTQ+ populations, Indigenous peoples, communities of color, and youth.
Climate Finance
Today’s economic turbulence threatens the scale, scope, and longevity of climate action. Abt is growing green investments through data, modelling, policy analysis, and technical assistance—helping governments and industry transform energy systems, harvest methane, finance climate smart agriculture, and prioritize investments related to environmental risks and adaptation needs.
Our economic and financial analyses support market development and market-based approaches, quantify the value of nature-based solutions, inform policy and regulatory change, and generate trusted evidence to advance climate action at the U.S. local, national, regional, and global levels.
Environmental Justice
Pollution, toxic contamination and climate hazards such as extreme heat, floods, and storms disproportionally impact already overburdened and underserved communities. The compounding effects on health and community well-being create intergenerational harm.
Abt applies our expertise in physical and biological sciences, risk assessment, economics, policy and data analysis and pairs it with communities' lived expertise to identify and analyze disproportionate impacts. We establish trust and provide stakeholders with culturally relevant insights on environmental risk, pollution, and their compounding impacts. Through inclusive co-creation, we help uncover equitable opportunities for meaningful investment in the governance and decision-making processes to address these challenges. Learn more.
Climate and Health
Climate change poses an urgent threat to health around the world. As climate shocks and stressors increase in scale and frequency, core functions of health systems are threatened, reducing countries’ abilities to maintain routine services and protect population health. More than 40% of the world’s population is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Population health is materially affected through pathways such as extreme heat; water-, food-, and vector-borne disease; air pollution from wildfires; and nutritional deficits from agricultural yield declines. Extreme weather events such as floods, storms, droughts, and wildfires cause physical injury and mental duress, exacerbate humanitarian crises, and drive population displacement and migration. Abt is a global leader in health system strengthening, service delivery, governance, as well as climate mitigation and adaptation. We design health interventions to build climate-resilient and sustainable health systems, and we quantify investments by modeling future scenarios against the human health and environmental costs of inaction. Learn more.
Methane and Other Super Pollutants
As the destructive effects of a warming climate intensify, the need to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions becomes more urgent. Methane represents a strategic opportunity to decelerate global warming and, through methane capture, generate revenue that can further resource public and private sector climate action. Responsible for 30 percent of the current rise in global temperatures, methane is a powerful and short-lived GHG, over 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere in the short-term.
Abt has more than two decades of experience leading flagship programs targeting methane mitigation in the U.S. and around the world. The tools and resources we’ve developed for EPA have been used by dozens of countries and hundreds of projects worldwide to design methane mitigation strategies and bring projects on-line that yield long-term financial, environmental, and public health benefits. Learn more.
Circular Economy
Inadequate solid waste management presents major threats to human health and the environment and represents a missed economic opportunity to create jobs and recover the value of discarded materials. A circular economy (CE) is a systematic approach to addressing the health, environmental, social, and economic impacts of solid waste by ensuring that waste is eliminated through the design of materials, products, systems, and business models that are designed to be restorative and regenerative. Abt’s circular economy team works with our clients to refine existing resource management strategies while building towards a more circular approach for managing materials, including plastic, paper, electronic waste, and renewable energy equipment; address and research leakage and pollution; and integrate environmental justice and equity concerns into the design and implementation of circular economy projects. Learn more.