Insurance for Climate Risks in Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Manila - 8am-9am (PHST/UTC+8) | Suva - 12pm (noon) - 1pm (FJT/UTC+12) | US - (Nov 2) 8pm - 9pm (EDT/GMT-4)
Although insurance holds a lot of promise to help individuals, businesses, and municipalities in Southeast Asia and the Pacific cope with extreme weather events and other climate risks, scaling up access is often a challenge. Join the conversation as experts from Abt, the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, the UN Capital Development Fund, and USAID’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security discuss key opportunities and intervention areas.
- Paul Faeth, Global Technical Director for Climate and Energy, Abt Global
- Ngedikes Olai Uludong, Former Palau Ambassador to the UN
- Jennifer Denno Cissé, Director for Climate Adaptation and Resilience, Abt Global
- Angelo Kairos Dela Cruz, Deputy Executive Director, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities
- Kathryn Stahlberg, Senior Risk Advisor, USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security
- Akata Taito, Inclusive Insurance Solutions Hub Coordinator, UN Capital Development Fund
Watch the webinar: