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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Implementation Study of the Electronics Recycling Standards: R2 and …

In the United States, electronics recycling facilities can be certified to standards through two …

Descriptive Implementation and Outcome Study Report: National …

The Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) Program funded training programs in high-demand …

Are Homeless Families Connected to the Social Safety Net?

This research brief takes advantage of data collected for the Family Options Study, sponsored by the …

State of the Pay for Success Field II: Emerging Literature, Updates, …

Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative contracting model that ties funding for an intervention to …

Special Topics Brief: Pay for Success Financial Mechanisms

Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative contracting model that ties funding for an intervention to …

Special Topics Brief: Service Provider Capacity Building for a Pay for …

Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative contracting model that ties funding for an intervention to …

Stakeholder Perspectives on the Current State of the Pay for Success …

Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative contracting model that ties funding for an intervention to …

State of the Pay for Success Field: Opportunities, Trends and …

Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative contracting model that ties funding for an intervention to …

Nothing Can Stop Me: Career Pathways Participants' Motivations and …

This brief is one in a series of three that describe early lessons from in-depth interviews with …

Programmatic and Other Supports Accessed by Career Pathways …

This brief is one in a series of three that describe early lessons from in-depth interviews with …

Exploring the Role and Adoption of Technology-Based Training and …

Technology-based learning (TBL), which is an umbrella term for any learning via electronic …

US EPA's Excessive Heat Events Guidebook

Excessive heat events (EHEs) are a public health threat because they increase the likelihood of …