The Union World Conference on Lung Health 2023

Abt will present at The Union World Conference on Lung Health 2023 in Paris, France November 15-18, 2023. The conference brings together clinicians and public health workers, health program managers, policymakers, researchers, and advocates to present the latest scientific research in all aspects of lung health.
Abt experts from the USAID Eliminating Tuberculosis in Central Asia (ETICA) project look forward to presenting at this year’s conference, highlighting the project’s work in reducing the burden of TB in Central Asia by building local and regional capacity for improving the detection and treatment of DR-TB. The Abt-led team will be on hand to talk about how the success in improving Central Asian health systems management, financing, and information systems as well as service delivery by ensuring that providers are skilled and motivated and that drugs, supplies, and services are accessible. Find us at the conference!
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Abstract: The mediating effect of video-supported treatment (VST) on loss to follow-up in the USAID Activity sites in Uzbekistan
Presenter: Aleksandr Trubnikov, Country Director, USAID ETICA Uzbekistan, Abt Global
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Abstract: The impact of gender-sensitive interventions on improved access to TB services among women
Presenter: Jamilya Ismoilova, Chief of Party, USAID ETICA, Abt Global
Abstract: Tajikistan Ministry of Health invests in Civil Society Organization (CSO) to Improve Tuberculosis (TB) Outcomes.
Presenter: Aleksandr Trubnikov, Country Director, USAID ETICA Uzbekistan, Abt Global
Abstract: Clinical evaluation of the Xpert Mtb/Xdr assay: A diagnostic accuracy study in Tajikistan
Presenter: Uladzimir Antonenka, USAID ETICA/IMLred
Friday, November 17, 2023
Abstract: The centralized online TB/DR-TB Consilium: Supporting clinicians’ capacity to manage difficult-to-treat cases and facilitating effective DR-TB care throughout Uzbekistan
Presenter: Aleksandr Trubnikov, Country Director, USAID ETICA Uzbekistan, Abt Global
Abstract: Bolstering the capacity of the TB community to support people with TB for improved treatment adherence and treatment outcomes
Presenter: Jamilya Ismoilova, Chief of Party, USAID ETICA, Abt Global
Abstract: NGS-based TB diagnostics: not any NGS suits all cases
Presenter: Andrey Golubov, USAID ETICA/IMLred
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Abstract: Multidisciplinary teams contribute to active screening and detection of TB cases among risk groups in Uzbekistan.
Presenter: Jamilya Ismoilova, Chief of Party, USAID ETICA, Abt Global
Abstract: Role of logistics in TB Laboratory Network optimization: case of Uzbekistan
Presenter: Dzmitry Sinitski, USAID ETICA/IMLred