The 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH)

Abt Global works around the world to counter COVID-19, HIV, AIDS, influenza, malaria, Zika, and other tropical and infectious diseases. We lead efforts to detect, prevent, control, and treat these diseases, and we share our data to help monitor risks to global health security. We collaborate with international organizations, national and local governments, and community leaders to create tailored, evidence-based solutions to address evolving disease threats.
The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) Annual Meeting is the premier forum for the exchange of scientific advances in tropical medicine, global health, and hygiene, and one in which Abt Global is proud to be presenting a series of posters and panels. Learn more:
Symposium 119 | Wednesday, November 2 | 3:00 – 4:45 p.m. PST | In-person & livestreamed
The Expansion of Anopheles Stephensi into the Horn of Africa and Beyond: How African Malaria Vector Surveillance and Control Is Adapting
Organizer: Matt Kirby, PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global
This symposium offers a pivotal opportunity to help build global consensus on a unified response to the urgent issue of the invasion and expansion of Anopheles Stephensi in Africa. It provides a forum for discussion around the challenges faced by four of the currently impacted countries—Ethiopia, Indian, Kenya, and Sudan—as well as the most feasible and scalable activities that should be implemented to address these challenges. We ask whether the goal should be elimination from Africa or containment and control.
Scientific Session 134 | Thursday, November 3 | 8:00 – 9:45 a.m. PST | In-person
Efficacy of Partial Versus Full Surface Indoor Residual Spraying Against Wild Populations of Anopheles Gambiae Sensu Lato in Experimental Huts in Tiassalé, Côte d'Ivoire
Speaker: Joseph Chabi, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global
Poster Session A | Monday, October 31 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. PST
Abstract 1427 / Poster Number 107: Response of An. funestus s.l. and An. gambiae s.l. to Different Insecticides in Malawi.
Presenter: Leonard Dandalo, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global.
Abstract 1553 / Poster Number 116: Status of Insecticide Resistance in Malaria Vectors in Three Provinces in Zambia: Informing the National Insecticide Resistance Management Plan.
Presenter: Mohamed Bayoh, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global.
Abstract 1554 / Poster Number 117: Heterogeneity of Insecticide Susceptibility from Six Ecological Zones in Nigeria Suggest a Highly Evolving Anopheles gambiae s.l. Population Under Selection Pressure.
Presenters: Adedayo Oduola, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global; Okefu O. Ohoji, National Malaria Elimination Program, Nigeria.
Abstract 1772 / Poster Number 131: Ecological Determinants & Recorded Distribution of Anopheles stephensi in Ethiopia.
Presenters: Meshesha Balkew, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global; Achamyelesh Sisay, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia.
Abstract 1736 / Poster Number 311: Applying a Standardized, Molecular Entomology Data Labeling System in Ghana to Effectively Integrate into Central DHIS2 Database.
Presenters: Marianne Parrish, Edem Obum, and Louisa Antwi-Agyei, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global.
Poster Session B | Tuesday, November 1 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. PST
Abstract 1686 / Poster Number 755: Results of Expanded Insecticide Resistance Monitoring to Several Ecological Zones in Cameroon for Appropriate Vector Control Decision Making Data.
Presenter: Etienne Fondjo, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global.
Abstract 2029 / Poster Number 764: The Entomological Impact of ITNs and IRS in the Americas: Filling the Knowledge Gaps.
Presenter: Manuela Hererra-Varela, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global.
Abstract 1899 / Poster Number 774: Longitudinal Surveillance of Malaria Vectors Using Four Different Mosquito Collection Methods from Village and Forest areas of Stung Treng and Mondulkiri Provinces, Cambodia.
Presenter: Matthew Kirby, the PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global; Dr. Siv Sovannaroth, Mao Sokny National Center for Parasitology, Entomology, and Malaria Control, Cambodia.
Abstract 1927 / Poster Number 1016: Community-Based Surveillance: A Key Procedure for Continuous Field Entomological Data Collection in Areas of Difficult Access in Mali.
Presenter: Libasse Gadiaga, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global.
Abstract 2327 / Poster Number 1021: Ecology, Distribution, and Insecticide Susceptibility Status of the Major Malaria Vector An. funestus s.l. in Guidimouni, Eastern Niger.
Presenters: Hadiza Soumaila, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global; Boube Hamani, National Malaria Control Program, Niger; Ibrahim Issa Arzika, Centre de Recherche Médicale et Sanitaire, Niger.
Poster Session C | Wednesday, November 2 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. PST
Abstract 2496 / Poster Number 1305: Vector Bionomics and Insecticide Resistance in Sierra Leone: Opportunities and Challenges in Decision-Making for Malaria Vector Control.
Presenters: Kevin Opondo, Laurent Iyikirenga, The PMI VectorLink Project, Abt Global; Frederick Yamba, National Malaria Control Program, Sierra Leone.