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SNAP to Skills (S2S) Technical Assistance Initiative


  • The Food and Nutrition Service seeks to expand and improve SNAP employment and training.
  • Abt is working with the Seattle Jobs Initiative to create tools, resources and learning opportunities for states.
  • Our technical assistance focuses on career pathways, partnerships and measuring outcomes.
The Challenge

For the SNAP to Skills (S2S) technical assistance initiative of USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service, Abt is partnering with the project lead, the Seattle Jobs Initiative, to create tools and resources for states to develop demand-driven Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training programs. The goal is to more effectively assist participants in SNAP to build skills, find jobs and work toward self-sufficiency.

The Approach

S2S’s technical assistance includes a series of policy briefs, webinars, state convenings and institutes annual convening, and an operations handbook on E&T innovation and best practices.