Slideshow: HealthRise Brazil Program Launched to Address Non-Communicable Diseases
HealthRise recently launched its Brazil program during a forum in Sao Paolo, Brazil, which was attended by the Brazil County Advisory Committee, local partners, and project leaders. (View photos from the event below.)
HealthRise is a five-year, $17-million global effort with funding and thought leadership from the Medtronic Foundation. The program is expanding access to care for cardiovascular disease and diabetes among underserved populations in Brazil, India, South Africa, and the U.S. The program is led by Abt Global and its partners, including global evaluation partner, IHME.
HealthRise aims to contribute to the World Health Organization’s goal of reducing premature mortality associated with chronic, non-communicable diseases by 25 percent by 2025 through the implementation and evaluation of innovative, scalable, and sustainable community-based demonstration projects.
Read more about HealthRise: