Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR) 2022

Policymakers, practitioners, and researchers from across the global will be attending the Seventh Global Symposium both virtually and in person to look deeper at “Health Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Sharing Lessons for Current and Future Global Challenges. ” Attendees will explore how technological, data and social innovations can address these health inequities and social injustices, and how health systems research can support essential transformations in health systems.
Abt Global is proud to participate in HSR 2022. Our experts will be on hand to share their latest health systems strengthening insights through the following presentations:
(Abt presenter names in bold)
Side Session
Wednesday, November 2 | 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (GMT-5)
Meeting the Moment: Unique Health Needs of Mobile and Migrant Populations
Format: Live presentation and moderated panel discussion
Mobile populations—including migrants, refugees, internally displaced, and/or cross-border communities—face higher risks of morbidity and mortality. Myriad factors drive these: poverty, social exclusion and discrimination, restricted legal entitlements to health and social services, language limitations, low health literacy, and absence of permanent residence, among others—all exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As countries accelerate momentum towards universal health coverage, these complex challenges need system-wide and multisectoral approaches to ensure health services that are responsive to the unique needs of mobile populations.
In this session, Abt Global will share experiences and learnings from governments and development partners leading health systems strengthening efforts to improve and expand healthcare access for mobile populations. These include better policies and regulations for information sharing and cross-border health information systems, tailored service provision (such as COVID-19 messaging and testing), and stronger social health protection platforms. The session will facilitate knowledge exchange among key global stakeholders to inform program design and implementation—and spotlight the importance of mobile and migrant health in global development goals.
- Sophie Faye, Project Director, Abt Global
- Kelly Saldana, Vice President, Systems Strengthening and Resilience, Abt Global
- Santino Severoni, Director of Health and Migration Programme, World Health Organization
- Dr. Juan José Rey, Secretary of Health, Bucaramanga, Colombia
- Alejandro Diaz, Project Management Specialist, USAID Colombia
- Julian A Fernández Niño, PhD, Assistant Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Hailu Zelelew, Project Management Director, Abt Global
Avenida Calle 24 No. 40-47
Bogotá, Colombia, CP 111321
Acerca de este evento
Miércoles 02 de noviembre, 2022, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. GMT-5
Conociendo el momento: Necesidades únicas en salud de la población migrante y pendular
En esta sesión presencial, Abt Global moderará una conversación sobre las experiencias y aprendizajes compartidos de gobiernos y socios de desarrollo que lideran los esfuerzos para el fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud para la mejora y ampliación al acceso de servicios de salud para la población migrante y pendular. Dentro de esta, se hablará sobre las mejores políticas y regulaciones para el intercambio de información y sistemas de información de salud transfronterizos, la prestación de servicios personalizados (como mensajes de prevención y pruebas de COVID-19) y las plataformas más sólidas de protección social en salud. La sesión facilitará el intercambio de conocimientos entre los actores clave a nivel mundial para informar el diseño y la implementación del Programa, y destacará la importancia de la salud de la población migrante y pendular en los objetivos de desarrollo global.
- Sophie Faye, Directora de gestión de proyectos, Abt Global
- Kelly Saldana, Vicepresidente, Fortalecimiento y Resiliencia de Sistemas, Abt Global
- Santino Severoni, Directora del Programa de Salud y Migración, WHO
- Juan José Rey, Secretario de salud, Bucaramanga, Colombia
- Alejandro Diaz, Especialista en Gestión de Proyectos, USAID Colombia
- Julian A Fernández Niño, PhD, Científico asistente, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Hailu Zelelew, Director de gestión de proyectos, Abt Global
La Locidade:
Avenida Calle 24 No. 40-47
Bogotá, Colombia, CP 111321
Watch the Side Session:
Download the Presentation:
Related Web Resources:
- World Report on the Health of Refugees and Migrants, WHO Report
- LHSS in Colombia
- LHSS in the LAC Region
- LHSS in Peru
- USAID Health Financing Improvement Program (Ethiopia)
Panel Presentation
Friday, November 4 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Quality at the Heart of Universal Health Coverage – Three Years After Three Seminal Global Quality Reports
Panelist: Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey, Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS), Abt Global
Satellite Session
Monday, October 31 | 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
How to Institutionalize Explicit National Health Priority Setting and Improve MOH Budget Execution: Countries Share Promising Practices from Peer Learning Exchanges
Moderator: Julia Watson, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Oral Presentations
Wednesday, November 2 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Integrating Health Emergency Preparedness Into Disaster Preparedness and Response Planning in Rural Nepal
Presenter: Ajit Karna, Strengthening Systems for Better Health (SSBH) in Nepal Project, Abt Global
Wednesday, November 2 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Engaging Private Sector Providers to End Malaria Faster: Learnings From a Four-Country Landscape Analysis
Presenter: Sophie Faye, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Wednesday, November 2 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Increasing Health Equity By Developing and Applying Social Determinants of Health Competencies and interventions
Presenter: Mignote Haile, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Wednesday, November 2 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Micro Planificación en el Marco del Plan Nacional de Vacunación Contra COVID-19 en Colombia
Presenter: Esmily Ruiz, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Friday, November 4 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Transitioning HIV and TB Services to the Social Health Insurance Fund in Vietnam: Results and Lessons Learned
Presenter: Diu Nguyen, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Poster Presentations
Posters will be available for viewing from Wednesday, November 2 to Friday, November 4
Bringing Colombia's Migration Policy to Life: An Inclusive, Cross-sectoral Roadmap for Expanding Access to Healthcare
Presenter: Ana Ragonesi, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Consideration of Non-Financial Aspects in Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Social Protection Policies: The Case of Senegal
Presenters: Christian Yao and Melinda Fenn, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Expanding Financial Protection by Addressing Non-Financial Barriers: Senegal Case Study
Presenter: Sophie Faye, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Fortalecimiento de capacidades institucionales locales para la integración de los migrantes al sistema de salud colombiano:aprendizajes de la implementación
Presenter: Camila Franco Restrepo, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Factores asociados con la morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes críticos por COVID-19 en Colombia
Presenter: Jacqueline Acosta, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Fortalecimiento de capacidades organizacionales para la inclusión de población migrante al sistema de salud colombiano
Presenter: Andrea Ortíz, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Les Résultats d'une Phase Pilote d'une Hotline où la Communauté Peut Rapporter des Abus Soupçonnés dans le Secteur de Santé en République Démocratique du Congo
Presenter: Basile Yangala, Integrated Health Program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (IHP), Abt Global
Measuring Improvements in Local Health Systems and Institutional Capacity in Selected Municipalities of Nepal
Presenter: Pravin Paudel, SSBH Project, Abt Global
Progress and Prospects of Designated Ground Crossing Health Desks in Nepal
Presenter: Deepak Timsina, SSBH Project, Abt Global
Towards Equitable and Sustainable Health Systems-Integrating through PHC for Improved Service Delivery
Presenter: Ekpenyong Ekanem, LHSS Project, Abt Global
Using Political Economy Analysis for Strengthening Health Commodity Supply Chains
Presenter: Shipra Srihari, LHSS Project, Abt Global