Spotlight On: Service Delivery

Abt Global implements evidence-based and high-impact service delivery projects that improve health outcomes for key, disadvantaged populations around the world. Our team of global experts design, implement and manage service delivery programs in consultation with governments, private sector, civil society organizations and communities.

Our service delivery approach is participatory, adaptive and comprehensive. It includes:
- Integrating and institutionalizing key services.
- Scaling-up sustainable, evidence-based solutions.
- Developing adaptive management for learning.
Our proven service delivery approaches and public-private partnerships help increase access to essential health services. We begin by working with key stakeholders—including direct beneficiaries such as women and children—to identify barriers to care seeking and develop appropriate, evidence-based strategies. We tailor each service delivery program to meet the needs of a community, national or local government entity or population group. Our approach promotes long-term sustainability by considering the interdependence and complexities of the systems for delivering services.

Relevant Expertise
Integrated Health Program for the Democratic Republic of Congo
Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Abt is the prime contractor for the USAID-supported Integrated Health Program for the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose goal is to increase delivery of high-quality, integrated primary health care to 30 million people. We collaborate with the Ministry of Health and the local health administrations of nine provinces in the Eastern Congo, Kasai and Katanga regions. We design interventions for the country’s health systems while developing the capacity of local Congolese institutions and civil society organizations. Abt also introduces and promotes innovations such as the use of drones to deliver life-saving medicines in hard-to-reach areas.

Private Health Sector Project in Ethiopia
Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Abt is the prime contractor for the USAID-funded Private Health Sector Project (PHSP) in Ethiopia. The project provides a wide range of technical and capacity-building support for reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health services (RMNCH) in Ethiopia’s private healthcare sector. As the key implementer, Abt collaborates with the Federal Ministry of Health and its agencies, regional health bureaus, the private health sector and professional associations.
The project expanded its geographic scope for family planning from five to 10 regions and increased the number of targeted facilities from 68 to 136. The project is improving the service delivery capabilities of private facilities by helping them provide and strengthen family planning services, including integrating family planning into HIV treatment and helping prevent mother-to-child transmission. We are adding to the options of available modern contraceptives—including long-acting methods such as implants and intra-uterine contraceptive devices—for family planning users.
In addition to strengthening private health sector service delivery, the project provides cross-cutting interventions. They include:
- Policy support
- Capacity building in laboratory and pharmacy outlets
- Strengthening of communications around health
- Business and financial management training for clinic owners and managers
- Monitoring and evaluation

Scaling Up Family Planning in Zambia
Client: U.K. Department for International Development
Abt implemented the Scaling Up Family Planning (SUFP) Program Phase I and II from 2012 to 2018 in Zambia. Abt worked with the United Nations Population Fund and the Government of Zambia to:
- Expand the availability of modern contraceptive methods.
- Improve people’s access to family planning services.
- Increase community support for family planning.
- Build the capacity of government health facilities to provide high-quality family planning services.
Phase I (2012-2016) focused on mobilizing communities, building service delivery capacity in health facilities and strengthening commodity distribution in 26 targeted districts. Abt partnered with the Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia, Imperial Health Sciences, the American College of Nurse-Midwives and Systematic Inventive Thinking. This work resulted in an additional 295,100 women and girls using a family planning method and achieved 578,240 couple years of protection. In Phase 2 (July 2016-October 2018) Abt and Imperial Health Sciences continued these activities in two provinces while working to transition program ownership to the government. Phase 2 resulted in 216,074 new users of family planning, 272,897 couple years of protection and improvements in the Ministry of Health’s capacity to continue scaling up the SUFP model.

USAID Health Service Delivery Project in Jordan
Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Abt leads the USAID Health Service Delivery project in Jordan, which aims to improve health outcomes for women of reproductive age and children under five. Abt collaborates with the Government of Jordan and international and local organizations to expand access to and availability of integrated RMNCH health services and improve the quality of essential health services at the national and sub-national levels. In 2018, Abt worked with the government and non-governmental organizations to implement a data-driven cycle of performance-based monitoring, analysis and change implementation aimed at improving the delivery of RMNCH and related health services in 91 health centers and 20 NGO clinics.
The project developed a comprehensive counseling training package and clinical guidance tailored to midwives and other healthcare providers to standardize service delivery. To support efforts to eliminate preventable maternal deaths, Abt also led the development and implementation of Jordan’s Maternal Mortality Surveillance and Response system, which was launched in 2018. Among the outcomes of the system are detailed reports about maternal mortality that highlight the main causes of—and factors contributing to—all deaths and Jordan’s maternal mortality ratio.

North Fly Health Services Development Program in Papua New Guinea
Client: Ok Tedi Mining Limited
Abt is the lead implementer of the North Fly Health Services Development Program (NFHSDP) in the North Fly District of Papua New Guinea. The goal of the program is to improve the health of vulnerable populations in the district through a partnership with health providers and the strengthening of the health system. This public-private partnership was established in 2009 with a diverse group of stakeholders to improve health outcomes for maternal and child health and to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other diseases. The partners include the North Fly District Health Services, Evangelical Church of PNG Health Services, Catholic Health Services, Abt and Ok Tedi Mining Limited. Currently, NFHSDP is integrating with its counterpart program in the Middle and South Fly Districts, the Community Mine Continuation Agreement Middle and South Fly Health Program, leading to greater coordination in Western Province. As of 2018, the program had assessed the nutritional status of 135,000 children, administered 1,600 contraceptive implants, facilitated 106,000 outpatient visits to the Tabubil Urban Clinic and trained 26 community members as village health volunteers.
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