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McClellan, PhD

Senior Associate

Sean McClellan, Ph.D. is a mixed-methods researcher with over a decade of experience in full cycle health services research. He has experience managing research projects, developing analytic designs, cleaning and analyzing administrative data, fielding rigorous surveys, conducting qualitative interviews, and communicating findings in plain language.

Recently, Dr. McClellan has focused on evaluating and monitoring value-based payment models in various settings, including outpatient oncology care, acute hospital care, and home health care. In particular, he has served as the Deputy Project Director and Survey Lead for the Evaluation of the CMS Oncology Care Model (OCM) and as Monitoring Task Lead for the CMS Home Health Value Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Model Implementation and Monitoring contract. In his work, Dr. McClellan aims to communicate the implications of findings for policy makers, clinicians, patients, and other stakeholders, through intuitive visualizations, clearly written reports, and publishing in peer-reviewed journals.


  • Healthcare organizations, health systems effectiveness, and assessing disparities in quality of care
  • Design and execution of mixed methods evaluations
  • Quantitative methods
  • Survey design, data collection and analysis

Key Projects:


  • Renaud JM, McClellan SR, DePriest K, Witgert K. O'Connor S, Johnson KA, Barolin N, et al. Addressing Health-Related Social Needs Via Community Resources: Lessons From Accountable Health Communities: Study examines how the Accountable Health Communities model addresses health-related social needs via community resources. Health Affairs. 2023 Jun 1;42(6):832-40.
  • McClellan SR, Trombley MJ, Marshall J, Kahvecioglu DC, Kummet K, LaRocca C, Dummit L, Hassol A. Bundled Payment Episodes Initiated by Physician Group Practices: Medicare Beneficiary Perceptions of Care Quality. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 Jul 28:1-8.
  • McClellan SR, Hunt M, Olsho LEW, Dasgupta A, Chowdhury M, Sparks A. Satisfaction and Mental Health Outcomes Associated with a Large Regional Helpline. Community Mental Health Journal. 2022 Aug;58(6):1214-24.
  • McClellan SR, Trombley MJ, Maughan B, Kahvecioglu DC, Marshall J, Marrufo G, Kummet K, Hassol A. Patient-reported outcomes among vulnerable populations in the Medicare Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) initiative. Med Care. 2021 Nov 30;59(11):980-8.
  • McClellan SR, Sirkin JT, Pfefferle S, Hunt M, Olsho LEW. Acceptance of new clients by mental health clinicians in Massachusetts: findings from a representative survey. Psychiatric Services. 2020 Feb 1;71(2):158-164.
Sean McClellan, PhD