President's Malaria Initiative BMP Manual: Best Management Practices (BMP) For Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) In Vector Control Interventions
April 7, 2015
Peter Chandonait, Principal Associate, Abt Global This is the second edition of the Best Management Practices (BMP) for Indoor Residual Spraying in Vector Control Interventions, which establishes a uniform approach for the environmental assessment of Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) activities intended to ensure compliance with USAID and host country environmental regulations. Revised and updated under The PMI Africa Indoor Residual Spraying (AIRS) Project, the new BMP expands upon the 2010 edition and serves as the official guidance for all PMI IRS projects. The guidance drew largely on decades of experience in pesticide management and vector control activities by the World Health Organization, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, and Crop Life. The new manual, which was led and coordinated by The PMI AIRS Project’s Environmental Compliance and Safety Manager Peter Chandonait, Principal Associate at Abt Global, includes best practices on the range of activities associated with pesticide use in IRS, including:
- Environmental Assessment
- Worker and Resident Health and Safety
- Pesticide Storage, Stock Control and Inventory
- Pesticide Transport
- Spraying Techniques
- Effluent Waste Disposal
- Solid Waste Disposal
- Spill Response
- DDT Special Considerations
- Water Crossings
Focus Areas
Sub-Saharan Africa