PFAS Multi-Site Research Study
- ATSDR is examining associations between PFAS exposure and health outcomes.
- Abt will coordinate data analysis, data management and laboratory activities
- Abt will report results and train staff.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that are associated with health detriments. Given the large scope of a planned multi-site study (MSS) and the complexity of the data to be collected, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) partnered with Abt Global to standardize data collection, quality, and processes as much as possible across sites.
Abt will coordinate data analysis, data management, and laboratory-related activities across the multi-site study (MSS) to not only address the potential association between PFAS exposure and health outcomes but to also evaluate procedures and methods for a nationwide MSS.
Abt will report on the findings and provide data collection and analysis training to staff on site.