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Mobile Soak Pits Improve Spray Team Mobility, Productivity and Safety of PMI Malaria Control Program

David F. Mitchell, Annie S. Brown, Sory Ibrahima Bouare, Allison Belemvire, Kristen George, Christen Fornadel, Laura Norris, Rebecca Longhany, Peter J. Chandonait


June 21, 2016
In the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI)-funded Africa Indoor Residual Spraying Project (AIRS), end-of-day clean-up operations require the safe disposal of wash water resulting from washing the exterior of spray tanks and spray operators’ personal protective equipment. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) programs typically use soak pits - large, in-ground filters – to adsorb, filter and then safely degrade the traces of insecticide found in the wash water. Usually these soak pits are permanent installations serving 30 or more operators, located in a central area that is accessible to multiple spray teams at the end of their workday. However, in remote areas, it is often impractical for teams to return to a central soak pit location for cleanup. To increase operational efficiency and improve environmental compliance, the PMI AIRS Project developed and tested mobile soak pits (MSP) in the laboratory and in field applications in Madagascar, Mali, Senegal, and Ethiopia where the distance between villages can be substantial and the road conditions poor. Laboratory testing confirmed the ability of the easily-assembled MSP to reduce effluent concentrations of two insecticides (Actellic 300-CS and Ficam VC) used by the PMI AIRS Project, and to generate the minimal practicable environmental “footprint” in these remote areas.