Lisanne F.
Brown, Ph.D.
Lisanne F. Brown has more than 20 years of experience in public health evaluation and research and a background in epidemiologic and program evaluation methods. She has worked on numerous evaluation and applied research studies for local, state and federal agencies. Her areas of expertise include maternal and child health, health care access, integration of primary care and behavioral health, community-centered health homes, social determinants of health, mixed methods evaluation design and implementation, survey design, and evaluation capacity building.
Brown has provided evaluation and applied research services to numerous public and private sector partners, including the Louisiana and Mississippi State Health Departments, City of New Orleans Health Department, Kellogg Foundation, Packard Foundation, as well as non-profit hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and social service agencies addressing the social determinants of health in the greater New Orleans area and along the Gulf Coast. Brown also plays a leading role in HRSA's global technical assistance project for PEPFAR, which aims to apply strategic information, evaluation, and lessons learned from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program into the PEPFAR program.
In her current role, Brown works with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid and foundations in a variety of areas. They include public health, health care quality and access, the social determinants of health, program evaluation and implementation science.
Before joining Abt, she was the Director of the Evaluation and Research Division at the Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI), leading evaluation studies at the nexus of public health, health care and social services in complex systems. In collaboration with other senior LPHI staff, Brown led the development and implementation of disaster response and community resilience projects along the vulnerable Gulf Coast that integrated program implementation with evaluation and research. Results from a recent Health Impact Assessment she led of a planned gas plant in a vulnerable community in New Orleans galvanized community engagement and influenced policy and program action.
Brown led the design and implementation of several maternal and child health evaluations, including three HRSA-funded Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) innovation grants. Brown also led the New Orleans Inter-Pregnancy Care demonstration project. From 2007-2019, Brown directed the ongoing evaluation of the Louisiana Campaign for Tobacco Free Living. In addition to leading evaluation studies, she provided evaluation and data systems technical assistance to the Louisiana State Health Department, including the Bureau of Family Health. Her work included technical review of the Bureau’s Life Course Measures. She also served on data committees for the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and Vital Statistics.
- Maternal and child health
- Health care access and quality
- Primary care and behavioral health integration
- Social determinants of health
- Community-centered health homes
- Mixed methods evaluation design and implementation
- Survey design
- Evaluation capacity building
Key Projects
- Project Director, Global Technical Assistance Project for PEPFAR program, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
- Evaluation Lead, HealthySteps Evaluation in collaboration with the Naval Health Research Center, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
- Team Lead, BJS Statistical Support Program (SSP) Feasibility Study of National Civil Cases, Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Evaluation Lead, Understanding Chronic Pain Management including Opioid Prescribing in the Context of Clinical Practice Guidelines and Policies, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Technical Assistance Lead, ROCA Inc
- Project Director, Evaluation of Trauma-Informed Training, Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
- Technical Lead, Equitable Evaluation strategy initiative
- Evaluation Lead, Program Evaluation for Prevention Contract (PEPC), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Brown L, Patel T. 2018. Community-centered health homes model: Advancing health equity among the LGBTQ community. (Poster). AcademyHealth Dissemination and implementation Conference, Washington DC.
- Brown L, Lackovic M. 2018. Building Resilience of Gulf Coast Communities following the BP spill through the Primary Care Capacity Project. (Oral Presentation), Resilience Measurement Evidence & Learning, New Orleans, LA.
- Farb H, Brown L. 2017. Increasing climate change impacts on an already vulnerable New Orleans: A health impact assessment of Entergy New Orleans’ proposed natural gas power plant. American Public Health Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Brown L, Bogue D, Denham S, Fox L, Davis P, Gauthe S, Nguyen T, Angove R, Lichtveld M. 2016. Integrating a Tailored CBPR and Health Communications Dissemination Approach to Address Environmental Health Disparities in Marginalized Communities. Abstract presented at the American Public Health Association Conference, Denver, CO.
- Sherman M, Covert H, Brown L, Langhinrichsen-Rohling J, Hansel T, Rehner T, Buckner A, Lichtveld M. (2018) Enterprise Evaluation: A New Opportunity for Public Health Policy. Volume 0, Number 0
- Brown LF, Geipert JC, Black AB, Farb, H. (2017) Engagement Strategies to Advance Community-Centered Primary Care. Public Health Management and Practice, Volume 23, Number 6 Supplement.
- Canfield, C., Angove, A., Boselovic, J., Brown, L, Gauthe S, et al. (2016) Developing a Community-Based Participatory Research Curriculum to Support Environmental Health Research Partnerships: An Initiative of the GROWH Community Outreach and Dissemination Core. Int J Nurs Clin Pract 2016, 3: 187
- Khurshid A, Brown L, Mukherjee S, Abebe N, Kulick D. (2015) Texting for Health: An Evaluation of a Population Approach to Type 2 Diabetes Risk Reduction With a Personalized Message. Diabetes Spectrum. Volume 28, Number 4, DOI: 10.2337/Diaspect.28.4.268.
- Kanger C, Brown L, Mukherjee S, Xin H, Diana M, Khurshid A, (2014). "Evaluating the Reliability of EHR-Generated Clinical Outcomes Reports: A Case Study," eGEMs (Generating Evidence & Methods to improve patient outcomes): Vol. 2: Iss. 3, Article 13.
- Brown L; Tonya R. Thurman; Janet Rice; Neil W. Boris; Joseph Ntaganira; Laetitia Nyirazinyoye; Jean De Dieu; Leslie Snider. (2009). Impact of a mentoring program on psychosocial wellbeing of youth in Rwanda: Results of a quasi-experimental study. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 4(04), pp. 288 – 299.
- Lafond A, Brown L, Macintyre K. 2002. Mapping Capacity in the Health System: development of a conceptual framework. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 17:3-22.