Biyik, MPH
Jean Biyik is a seasoned public health expert and program leader with more than 15 years of experience working in malaria, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and social marketing in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean. He has worked on multiple projects funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), the Global Fund, and the European Union. Biyik has collaborated with local governments to implement priority strategies such as access to life-saving malaria vector control interventions, HIV/AIDS prevention, and social franchising of family planning services.
Biyik joined the PMI VectorLink Project in Senegal in 2019 as chief of party (COP). He supervises four senior managers and leads a field workforce of 25 people. Senegal is the only country within the VectorLink global project where Abt distributes insecticide-treated nets directly to users. The project also conducts indoor residual spraying and entomological monitoring. Through all three vector control measures, PMI VectorLink Senegal protected more than one million people from malaria in 2021. Biyik has established strong relationships with National Malaria Control Program leadership, regional directorates, district health teams, and other partners, which has helped to strengthen the government’s capacity for planning, implementing, and monitoring spray campaigns. He has improved insecticide-treated net storage and management and promoted women’s meaningful and equitable participation in all project activities.
Biyik previously served as COP on USAID’s Sustaining Health Outcomes through Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus project in Haiti. Before joining Abt, he worked with Jhpiego in Haiti as deputy COP and senior program manager on the USAID-funded Services de Santé de Qualité pour Haiti (SSQH) project which was part of the Maternal and Child Survival Program. He also worked in Cameroon as the deputy country director for Population Services International; a monitoring and evaluation expert with the Canadian International Development Agency; and a program manager for CARE International.
- Malaria prevention
- Family planning services
- HIV/AIDS prevention
Key Projects:
- VectorLink
- SHOPS Plus
Countries Served In:
- Cameroon, Haiti, Senegal