Innovative Approaches to Housing for People with Opioid Use Disorder
Thursday, January 30, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST

Housing is critical to health and well-being, which makes addressing the link between substance use disorders and housing instability all the more important as communities seek to address the opioid epidemic. In a recent ASPE brief, Abt identified several promising housing models that support recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD), including HomeSafe (FAMILYConnections NJ) and HousingNow (Pathways to Housing PA). Join Abt experts and representatives of these two programs during this free webinar to learn about challenges and solutions to providing housing for individuals with OUD, including how these models can be replicated in other communities.
- Emily Rosenoff, MPA, Acting Director, Division of Long-Term Care Policy, ASPE
- Alexandria Riley, LPC, Director of Programs, FAMILYConnections NJ
- Christine Simiriglia, MS, President & CEO, Pathways to Housing PA
- Meghan Henry, MA, Senior Associate & Project Director of the Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress, Abt Global
- Sarah Steverman, PhD, MSW, Senior Associate & Project Director, SAMHSA Evidence-Based Resource Center project, Abt Global
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