Dr. Gulnora Razykova is a medical doctor, health system strategist, and healthcare executive with more than 20 years’ experience leading and managing health and education projects. She is an expert in several health fields, having led multi-million-dollar projects for several donor agencies, including the United Nations Drug Control Programme and Department for International Development. Razykova has a clinical background and research experience in the social sector, clinical pharmacology, and healthcare environment in Tajikistan. She has extensive experience in private and government health system development and strengthening. She is adept in complex program management and especially skilled in financial planning, budgeting and monitoring. In addition, Razykova has extensive experience in human resources and results-based management.
Razykova leads the complex and fast-paced coordination of activities under the U.S. Agency for International Development Local Health System Sustainability Tajikistan COVID-19 Emergency Response. She manages activities that address immediate epidemic prevention, detection, and response needs while building on the existing national health system and health system resilience strategies. She oversees planning and coordination of all program activities, including the work of health workers. Razykova provides senior-level technical planning, programming, and coordination while ensuring approaches are technically sound and appropriate. She also provides strategic guidance, vision, and leadership for technical aspects of the program.
Before Abt, Razykova was a co-founder and CEO of the first international medical practice in Tajikistan, Prospekt Medical. It was established under the umbrella of the United Nations (UN) and U.S. and United Kingdom embassies primarily to provide quality medical assistance and family medicine to the expatriate population in Tajikistan. Since 2004, this clinic has served all diplomatic corps and international mission families. The clinic served as a best-practice model for the USAID family medicine program implemented in the country and raised acceptance and the reputation of family practice.
For five years she was a member of the management board for Open Society Institute Tajikistan. She ensured that the foundation prioritized promotion and protection of rights and freedom, improved access to social welfare, and ensured a dignified standard of living, health, and affordable education. During this time, OSI Tajikistan projects strengthened the capacity of the health system in the field of strategic and regulatory policy, access to primary health care in rural areas and in the provision of basic services for adult and pediatric palliative care.
- Health system strengthening
- Nutrition
- Data analysis
- Private health sector development
- Reproductive, maternal, and newborn, and child healthcare
- Family planning
- Infectious disease
- Health financing
- Education reform
Key Projects:
- Local Health System Sustainability Tajikistan 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Response
- USAID Healthy Mother Healthy Baby Activity
- Feed the Future USAID Tajikistan Health and Nutrition Program
- USAID Quality Health Care Project
- UN Office of Drugs and Crime Drug Control Program
- UN Volunteers programme, Tajikistan
- Razykova G. (September 2019). Collaborative quality improvement of maternal, newborn, and child health services in Tajikistan. Research paper. THNA, 2019.
- Razykova G. Improving nutrition of children in Khatlon region of Tajikistan. Pediatrics magazine MoHSPP, № 3 (43), 2019
- Razykova G. (2015) The Role of the Private Medical Practice in Tajik Health Sector. MBA paper. Steinbeis Annual Report.
- Razykova G. (2012). Evidence Based medicine in clinical practice at PHC level in TJ, Technical report, News TSMU, #2 2012.
Countries Served In:
- Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Georgia, Germany, United Kingdom