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Global Health Security Conference (GHS) 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 – Friday, June 21, 2024

International Convention & Exhibition Centre
14 Darling Drive
Sydney NSW 2000

Abt brings together in-country expertise on human, animal, and environmental health across all functions of the health system and from public and private sectors across disciplines and professions. With these actors, we work collaboratively to co-develop sustainable solutions that strengthen global health security. We build the capacity, relationships, and trust required to identify risks early and to mount timely and effective responses.

The Global Health Security (GHS) Conference is the premier forum for the exchange of research, innovations, and emerging solutions for global health security. Abt Global is proud to have experts from around the world presenting a series of posters and panel content on our impactful work in global health security.

Learn more below about Abt’s scheduled panel and poster presentations. Check back for any updates to our resources and content. If you’re onsite at GHS, attend our sessions and meet our experts!

Abt Presentations

Panel Presentation: Strengthening Latin American Health Security  
June 19, 2024 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm AET | Room C3.4  
Abt Panel Topic: Designing a contextually appropriate behavior change campaign to increase COVID-19 vaccination: lessons from Peru  
Presenter: Paulina Giusti

Panel Presentation: Health Security Capacity-Building in the Americas  
June 20, 2024 | 10:30am – 11:30am AET | Room C3.4  
Abt Panel Topic: Strengthen the Territorial Response in Public Health Surveillance through Community Health Surveillance Networks  
Presenter: Ana Ragonesi  

Panel Presentation: Advancing Global Preparedness  
June 21, 2024 | 2:30-3:30pm AET | Cockle Bay 2  
Abt Panel Topic: Using QMS Assessments to advance global health security in Kazakhstan  
Presenter: Shynar Maretbayeva

Poster Session 1    
June 18, 2024 | 12pm AET | The Gallery

Title: Strengthening private provider capacity and engagement to ensure access to priority health provisions for Afghan women and urban poor    
Presenter: Soumitra Ghosh  

Title: Increase COVID-19 vaccination coverage in two regions of Peru    
Presenter: Paulina Giusti  

Title: Fostering Mental Health in Migrant and Host Communities: Strategies for Preparedness, Prevention, and Collaborative Engagement in Colombia    
Presenter: Ricardo Dominguez  

Title: Operationalizing One Health – Building and planning for an effective One Health Working Group    
Presenter: Gulnara Kaliakbarova  

Poster Session 3    
June 20, 2024 | 12pm AET | The Gallery  

Title: Countering Misinformation in Global Health Security: Strategies and Challenges. The case of Tajikistan    
Presenter: Zamira Baydulloeva  

Meet Our Experts!

Shynar Maretbayeva

Shynar Maretbayeva

Activity Lead, LHSS Kazakhstan
Soumitra Ghosh

Soumitra Ghosh

Chief of Party, LHSS Afghanistan
Zamira Baydulloeva

Zamira Baydulloeva

Laboratory Technical Leader, LHSS Tajikistan
Paulina Giusti

Paulina Giusti

Chief of Party, Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Project, Peru
Ricardo Dominguez

Ricardo Dominguez

Senior Deputy Chief of Party, LHSS Colombia
Ana Ragonesi

Ana Ragonesi

Technical Director, LHSS Colombia
Carolynn Poulsen

Carolynn Poulsen

Director Global Health Security
Grace Tran

Grace Tran

Senior Manager, Global Health Security
Tenly Snow

Tenly Snow

Digital Solutions Strategist
Jane Pepperall

Jane Pepperall

Principal Health Technical Lead, International Technical Practice
Ally Lynch

Ally Lynch

Climate Change Integration Specialist