David Judkins has 35 years of experience as a statistician supporting survey research, evaluation methodology and the evaluation of large-scale social interventions. Since joining Abt in 2012, he serves as a senior scientist consulting across the division on a variety of small and large evaluations covering topics that range from questionnaire design to analytic strategies.
Judkins has recently focused his career on the evaluation of social interventions, particularly in the fields of adult job training, education, prosocial mass-media campaigns and child welfare.
Earlier, his work included roles at the U.S. Census Bureau, Westat, and RTI. He has 32 peer-reviewed papers and reports, many conference presentations, and several pieces of invited commentary. He has been associate editor of Survey Methodology since 2006. He was survey research methodology section program chair for the Joint Statistical Meetings in 2006, methodology program chair for the Washington Statistical Society in 2009, and the program chair for the Joint Statistical Meetings in 2011.
- Impact evaluation of social interventions
- Complex analytic techniques
- Sampling statistics
Key Projects
- Evaluation of Round 4 of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training Grants Program (TAACCCT4), DOL
- Innovative Strategies for Improving Self‑Sufficiency (ISIS), HHS
- Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) Program, National Implementation Evaluation, HHS
- Evaluation of Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Components, DOL
- Impact Studies of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants Program, HHS
- Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND), Social Security Administration
Selected Publications/Presentations
- Judkins, D., St.Pierre, R., Gutmann, B., Goodson, B., von Glatz, A., Hamilton, J., Webber, A., Troppe, P, and Rimdzius, T. (2008). A Study of Classroom Literacy Interventions and Outcomes in Even Start (NCEE 2008-4028). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
- Krenzke, T. and Judkins, D. (2008). Filling in Blanks: Some guesses are better than others – Illustrating the impact of covariate selection when imputing complex survey items. Chance, 21(3), 7-13.
- Standing, K., Judkins, D., Keller, B., and Shimshak, A. (2008). Early Outcomes of the GEAR UP Program: Final Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service.
- Huhman ME, Potter LD, Duke JC, Judkins DR, Heitzler CD, Wong FL. (2007). Evaluation of a National Physical Activity Intervention for Children: VERB Campaign, 2002‑2004. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 32, 38-43.
- Judkins, D., Morganstein, D., Zador, P., Piesse, A., Barrett, B., Mukhopadhyay, P. (2007). Variable Selection and Raking in Propensity Scoring. Statistics in Medicine, 26, 1022-1033.
- Marker, D. A., Judkins, D. R., and Winglee, M. (2001). Large-scale imputation for complex surveys, in Survey Nonresponse, Eds. R. M. Groves, D. A. Dillman, E. L. Eltinge, and R. J. A. Little. New York: Wiley.
- Judkins, D. R., and Liu, J. (2000). Correcting the bias in the range of a statistics across small areas. Journal of Official Statistics, 16, 1-14.
- Waksberg, J., Judkins, D., and Massey, J. T. (1997). Geographic-based oversampling in demographic surveys of the United States. Survey Methodology, 23, 61-71.