Dr. Cynthia Klein has over 20 years of experience leading evaluation, technical assistance, and communications projects for federal, state, local, and non-profit clients. From asthma to zika, Dr. Klein has worked across a multitude of public health issues. With a background in the behavioral health sciences, she brings a strong understanding of evaluation principles and approaches coupled with rigorous qualitative and quantitative research skills, including focus groups, key informant interviews, and surveys. Dr. Klein works closely with clients and stakeholders to ensure program objectives map to measurable outcomes. Her work has led to numerous presentations to scientific and non-scientific audiences, reports to stakeholders, and for publication.
In her current role at Abt, Dr. Klein is responsible for the performance of projects, growth, and client engagement at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and state and local public health agencies.
Dr. Klein came to Abt from SRA International, where she served as the lead of the Epidemiology and Behavioral Sciences Study Section. She led process, outcome, and cost evaluations in the topic areas of youth violence, HIV/AIDs, environmental health, early childhood, and access to healthcare. While at SRA, Klein also oversaw research studies aimed at identifying cardiovascular and autoimmune outcomes long-term environmental exposures, reducing percutaneous injuries in home health nurses, increasing the adoption of asthma precautions in young children, and improving adherence to safety measures in dialysis centers.
- Program Evaluation
- Training and Technical Assistance
- Community Programs and Interventions
- Message and Materials Testing
- Application of Social and Behavioral Science Theory
Key Projects:
- Evaluation of Behaviorally-Based Interventions to Increase Enrollment in the CDC-Recognized Lifestyle Change Program
- Implementing and Identifying the Best Practices for Achieving Baby Friendly Designation
- Implementing PCOR to Increase Referral, Enrollment and Retention in Cardiac Rehabilitation through Automatic Referral with Liaison
- Understanding Barriers and Facilitators to HIV Care
- Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Healthcare Provider Engagement (MIS-C)
- Soler, R.E., Proia, K., Jackson, M.C., Lanza, A, Klein, C., Leifer, J., and Darling, M. (2018). “Nudging to change: Using behavioral economics theory to move people and their healthcare partners toward effective type 2 diabetes prevention.” Diabetes Spectrum Nov; 31(4): 310-319.
- Gelaude, D., Hart, J., Carey, J.W., Denson, D., Erickson, C., Klein, C., Mijares, A., Pitts, N. and Spitzer, T. (2017). “HIV provider experiences engaging and retaining patients in HIV care and treatment: A soft place to fall.” Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.
- Winn, A.K., Salo, P.M., Klein, C., Sever, M.L., Zombeck, A., Harris, S., Johndrow, D., Crockett, P.W., Cohn, R.D., & Zeldin, D.C. (2015). “Efficacy of an In-home Test Kit in Reducing Dust Mite Allergen Levels: Results of a Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.” Journal of Asthma.
- Etheridge, R., Klein, C., LaCoste, J. & Marks, J. (2012). Outcomes Measurement in the Human Services: Cross Cutting Issues in the Era of Health Reform. Outcomes Measurement for Children and Family Services: Successful Approaches for Practice, Management, and Policy.
- Sarmiento, K., Mitchko. J., Klein C. & Wong, S. (2010). Evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s concussion initiative for high school coaches: “Heads up: concussion in high school sports.” Journal of School Health, 80, 112-8.