Colleen Grogan
Colleen Grogan Moore has over 30 years of experience implementing community development and housing-based programs in collaboration with state and local governments and nonprofit organizations. She has expertise in providing technical assistance (TA) and training, including to recipients of Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) community development, housing, and homeless program funding. She has experience building strong relationships with state and local program grantees and managers and supporting communities in effectively using resources.
In her current role, Moore has managed a range of tasks related to multimillion dollar cooperative agreements with HUD to provide TA to local, state, and nonprofit program grantees. She has provided TA on housing and community development program administration, equitable use of disaster resources, state coordination of homelessness programs, and implementation of fair housing requirements. She has also overseen the development of the HUD Community Resilience Toolkit, designed to help communities assess their vulnerability to climate-related natural hazard risks and boost their resilience.
Before coming to Abt, Moore served as director of Community and Economic Development Programs at the Council of State Community Development Agencies. She analyzed and monitored the impact of legislative and regulatory proposals on program operations, participated in advocacy and educational program development, and managed development and delivery of HUD community development TA and training. She was previously director of the council’s homelessness programs, leading the design and implementation of annual training programs for state agency policy makers and staff.
Prior to that, she was project director of HOME Technical Assistance at the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, where she managed a variety of training and technical assistance programs, resulting in increased affordable housing development.
- Technical assistance
- Training development
- Working with state and local program grantees and managers
- Effective use of community resources
Key Projects:
- Community Compass Technical Assistance, HUD
- Community Resilience Products, HUD Office of Community Planning and Development
- Community Development Block Grant Program Technical Assistance and Training, HUD