Bhavesh Jain is a public health professional with more than 18 years of experience, at both the national and international level. He is an expert in health financing, health insurance, health systems strengthening, and health policy development. Jain has worked across a wide spectrum of organizations, including academia, subnational and national ministries, bilateral and multilateral partners, and the private sector. He has long-term experience working in India and Cambodia and short-term work experience in South Korea, Philippines, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Bangladesh. He serves as a strategic investment and sustainable financing (SISF) expert of the Global Fund’s Technical Review Panel.
Jain leads the $17.2 million LHSS Timor-Leste Activity (known in-country as the USAID Health System Sustainability Activity), which supports the Timor-Leste government to build a more resilient and self-reliant health system capable of responding to public needs in both crisis and non-crisis contexts. As such, he oversees the technical and operational requirements of all country activities and works closely with the Ministry of Health, National Institute of Health (INS), civil society organizations, partners, and international advisers. He successfully built key relationships with government and partners to develop the understanding and approach of the Activity and its interventions and helped accelerate the inclusion of COVID-19 interventions in the Activity.
Jain has worked with Abt Global previously, as a health financing lead for the USAID Health Finance and Governance Project, where he successfully led the institutionalization of sub-national Health Accounts for the state of Haryana, India. At the USAID Health Policy Plus project, Jain led the sustainable domestic financing and transition initiative of Cambodia’s National AIDS Authority, working with the government and other partners. His evidence-based advocacy efforts were critical in getting the Prime Minister’s endorsement of the six policy measures on sustainable domestic financing for HIV.
Jain’s leadership on the Medical Audit Collaborative in the Joint Learning Network for the Universal Health Coverage led to development of the Medical Audit Collaborative Toolkit, which countries such as India and Malaysia are adopting for their National Health Insurance programs.
- Health financing and health insurance
- Health systems
- Project management
Key Projects:
- Local Health System Sustainability Timor-Leste
- Health Finance and Governance
- Health Policy Plus
- Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage
Selected Publications:
- Jain, B., Hiligsmann, M., Mathew, J. L., Evers, S. M (2014). Analysis of a Small Group of Stakeholders Regarding Advancing Health Technology Assessment in India. Value in Health Journal Regional Issue Asia
- Jain, B. and Srey M. Health Policy Plus (A USAID funded project). 2020. Expanding Health Equity Fund Coverage for People Living with HIV in Cambodia: Costing and Policy Options. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus.
- Jain, B. and Prabhakaran S. Health Policy Plus (A USAID funded project). Policy Brief. 2019. Securing Political Support for Sustainable Domestic Financing for the HIV Response in Cambodia: A Policy Process. Washington, DC: Palladium, Health Policy Plus.
- Jain, B., Cogswell, H., Dereje, T.,(2014). Policy brief: Production and Use of Health Accounts in India: What Can We Learn from the Experience so Far? Washington, DC: Abt Global, Health Finance and Governance.
Countries Served In:
- India, Cambodia and Timor-Leste