Anna Winoto has more than 20 years of experience leading and managing multi-disciplinary teams on complex development programs in Indonesia. Her areas of expertise include public health and nutrition, social protection, child protection, decentralized service delivery, and community-led development. She is a skilled facilitator of multi-stakeholder collaboration. She has worked with the national governments of Australia and Indonesia and with UNICEF.
As part of the International Technical Practice, Anna provides strategic and technical advice on a range of issues such as governance, adaptive management, and locally led development. She facilitates knowledge exchange and thought leadership on these issues across programs. Based in Jakarta, Anna represents Abt in Indonesia. She is responsible for building and maintaining priority partnerships with major clients and national partners.
As team lead, Anna managed and provided strategic direction to KOMPAK, a partnership between the governments of Australia and Indonesia to improve basic services and economic opportunities for poor and vulnerable Indonesians. She oversaw a multidisciplinary team of 150 staff, seven offices, and an annual budget of $22 million (AUD) to deliver fit-for-purpose technical assistance, pilots, capacity development, and research to the Indonesian government. She contributed to improved Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade performance ratings from 2015 to 2021. Before KOMPAK, Anna provided strategic advice to the Ministry of National Development Planning on poverty reduction. Prior to that, she served in several positions in UNICEF Indonesia focusing on child-centered social protection and maternal and child nutrition.
- Policy advocacy
- Strategic planning
- Team leadership
- Organizational and change management
- Brokering partnerships
Key Projects:
- KOMPAK, a partnership to improve basic services and economic opportunities, Indonesia
- Government of Indonesia Frontline Service Delivery Strategy
- PKH Prestasi, a nutrition-focused conditional cash transfer pilot, Indonesia
- Infant Young Child Feeding, UNICEF Indonesia
- National Vitamin A supplementation program, Indonesia
- Anna Winoto, Catalyzing Local Innovation to Improve Services for Indonesia’s Poor, Strategic Review, April 2015
- Fitsum Assefa, Sri Sukotjo (Ninik), Anna Winoto and David Hipgrave, Increased diarrhea following infant formula distribution in 2006 earthquake response in Indonesia: evidence and actions, Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) Field Exchange 34, p30-35, October 2008
- Mokdad AH, Hipgrave D, Hudspeth C, Sudiman H, Widjojo SR, Chairul Z, Syafrida E, Winoto A, Webb P, A Rapid Assessment of Nutrition in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, Indonesia, Three Weeks After the Tsunami, Food Policy and Applied Nutrition Program Discussion Paper No.30, Tufts University, 2005
- Anna Winoto. Results of Research on Indian Pharmaceutical Sector and Market Demand for Nutritional Supplements, MOST Project, February 2000
- Baranowska-Kortylewicz J., Kortylewicz Z.P., Hoffman D., Winoto A., Lai J., Dalrymple G.V., ColonSpecific Prodrugs of 5-radioiodo-2’-deoxyuridine, Acta Oncologica, 35(7): 959-964, 1996