Adaptation Futures 2023

The Adaptation Futures Conference is the premier international conference devoted entirely to climate change adaptation, bringing together more than 1,500 researchers, policymakers, practitioners, industry representatives and communicators to present their work on adaptation, discuss emerging and cutting-edge issues, learn what others are doing, and build networks.
Stop by our booth to speak with our experts or join us (live or virtually) for the following sessions.
Abt Featured Sessions
Session 221: Centering Indigenous perspectives in climate resilience planning
Tuesday, October 3: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: LAC Pavilion, in-person and live streamed
This panel will feature Indigenous and women leaders who will share insights on how centering Indigenous visions in the design, planning, and implementation of climate programs can deliver both adaptation and mitigation outcomes and distributive climate justice goals.
Moderator: Daniel Peniston, Climate Adaptation and Resilience Specialist, Abt Global
Session 178: Putting rural women at the center of climate information, advisory services, and adaptation planning
Friday, October 6: 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Location: Agriculture and Water room, in-person
Women play a major role in agricultural production and are disproportionately affected by climate variability and change. Enabling women to account for climate risks in livelihood-related decision-making can help strengthen the resilience of rural communities. This session will discuss how climate advisory services can help determine climate risks in agriculture at the local, sub-national, and national levels; how extension support, integrated farming systems and technologies, and policy measures can help farmers build adaptive capacity; and how innovative business models can help mobilize financial and technological resources to support climate change adaptation on the farm.
Moderator: Caroline Staub, Senior Climate Adaptation and Resilience Specialist, Abt Global
Poster: USAID Climate Risk Screening and Management Tool: Updates for Risk Identification and Management in Development Activities
Location: Virtual
Presenter: Jenn Cissé, Director of Climate Adaptation and Resilience, Abt Global